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Art x Science Office

Bits, Bytes & Biodiversity - Swiss National Park Zernez

Artificial Intelligence Advancing Ecology

With the first special exhibition in the newly revamped National Park Center, the University of Zurich explores the use of modern technologies in ecology.

Today, every eighth species is threatened with extinction, posing a significant global challenge. Ecologists study how animal and plant ecosystems respond to human and climatic influences and how we can protect them. They are increasingly turning to digital tools, such as camera traps, similar to those used in the Swiss National Park.

Thanks to camera traps, ecologists can observe wildlife without disturbing their behavior and without resorting to invasive methods like collars or ear tags. However, this method generates vast amounts of data, which can be very time-consuming to analyze. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play: more and more research teams are using machine learning to expedite image analysis.

Magnetwandmemory Spot the spotsVisitors in front of the "Spot the Spots" module (© Yanik Bürkli).

Bits, Bytes & Biodiversity: Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Ecology invites you to delve into current research projects at the University of Zurich. The exhibition highlights promising digital methods in ecology while emphasizing that conservation projects can only succeed if they are supported by all.

Exhibition Duration: June 4, 2023, to March 9, 2024, at the Swiss National Park Zernez.

Bits, Bytes & Biodiversität wurde ermöglicht durch die Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen (DIZH) und die Stiftung Mercator Schweiz. Wir danken Impact Acoustic für das Akustikmaterial aus recyceltem PET.
Eine Liste der Projekte und Beteiligten finden Sie hier.

Weiterführende Informationen

Opening Hours

June 4th to October 29th: Daily from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
From October 30th: Reduced opening hours

Swiss National Park
Visitor Center Zernez
Urtatsch 2
7530 Zernez

For Journalists

Find visual material for the exhibition here.

Press Contact:
Dr. Katharina Weikl, Art x Science Office, University of Zurich
Tel. +41 44 634 57 30 |E-Mail


Unterseiten von Bits, Bytes & Biodiversity - Swiss National Park Zernez