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Art x Science Office

CARBON Opening - Bengaluru Science Gallery

  • Science Gallery Bengaluru 5

    CARBON Exhibition (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)

    CARBON Exhibition (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)

  • Science Gallery Bengaluru 1

    Triggered By Motion (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)

  • Science Gallery Bengaluru 3

    WHO'S CALLING, CAN YOU HEAR? (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)

  • Science Gallery Bengaluru 2

    Triggered By Motion (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)

UZH at the Opening Exhibition in the Science Gallery, Bengaluru

The international network of Science Galleries is opening a new science museum in the center of Bengaluru, India, on November 28, 2023. The University of Zurich is participating in the grand opening exhibition CARBON with two Art x Science projects. Visitors can experience a music-video installation by Swiss musician Nicolas Buzzi in collaboration with Prof. Kathelijne Koops, as well as the Travel Edition of Triggered by Motion.

The walk-in video installation, Triggered by Motion, is based on visual research data from 21 motion-triggered camera traps in 14 countries, developed in collaboration with researchers from UZH and their international research network. Motion-activated camera traps make it possible to observe animals in their natural habitat without influencing their behavior or resorting to invasive methods like collars or ear tags. The research material was synchronized and transformed into films that reveal global rhythms by transitioning between day, night, and seasonal changes. The collected images possess a spontaneous poetry that allows for chance encounters with the rarest species. As a result, the installation enables immersion in the natural habitat of wild animals and the experience of local biodiversity.

The music-video installation Who's calling can you hear is based on the research of Prof. Kathelijne Koops. The primatologist and evolutionary anthropologist studies how wild chimpanzees in the Guinean Nimba Mountains communicate with various drum rhythms and styles over long distances. The video recordings of these dialogues serve as the foundation for musician Nicolas Buzzi's electro-acoustic interpretation. Who's calling can you hear combines the visual and auditory, providing immediate access to scientific nature conservation with its artistic character. The work questions perspectives on human and non-human cultures and aims to raise awareness about habitat loss in the Anthropocene.

Exterior view of the museum (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)
Exterior view of the museum (© Science Gallery Bengaluru)

Carbon - a fundamental element of our existence - is the central theme of the inaugural exhibition at the Science Gallery Bengaluru. CARBON questions our complex, critical and controversial relationship with this ubiquitous element in all its forms.

As the first Asian and only Indian member of Science Gallery International, the new cultural space aims to ‘bring science back into culture’. Spread over 100,000 square metres, the gallery is dedicated to research-based activities with young adults in various fields of research. Visitors to the CARBON exhibition are invited to find answers to the central question: How can we reshape our relationship with this element as we enter a new age of carbon consciousness?

Exhibition Duration: From November 28, 2023, at the Science Gallery Bengaluru in Bengaluru, India.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Triggered By Motion attends the Swiss-Korean Innovation Week in Seoul

More about Triggered By Motion attends the Swiss-Korean Innovation Week in Seoul

On the occasion of the Swiss-Korean Innovation Week 2023, Triggered By Motion traveled to the DongdaeMun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul, South Korea.


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